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My MATLAB Skills

"MATLAB® is a programming platform designed specifically for engineers and scientists. The heart of MATLAB is the MATLAB language, a matrix-based language allowing the most natural expression of computational mathematics."

MATLAB, short for matrix laboratory, was developed by MathWorks founders in the 1970s and 1980s with the goal of creating a programming language for applied mathematics and matrix calculations. MATLAB is great for:

MATLAB comes with a comprehensive library of mathematical functions and toolboxes for specialized applications like deep learning, image processing, aerospace, parallel computing, finance, signal processing, and many more.

I learned MATLAB in my first year of college in a course taught by Dr. Michael Gustafson. In the course, we learned to model physical systems, optimize parameters, perform numerical integration, find roots of equations; how to perform simultaneous equation solving, finite difference methods, matrix analysis, linear programming, dynamic programming, heuristic solutions; and throughout the course, how to document our code and results using Latex.

Since then, I have continued to use MATLAB for personal projects, especially enjoying its graphical and visualization capacities.

Here is a plot I rendered in MATLAB in the summer of 2019. Similar to a Möbius strip, it has only one edge and only one side. I was able to create the rotating video of the plot using code by Alan Jennings of UDayton—thanks Alan!